Woozin Hotspot

Thursday 6 March 2014


Um hi Guys,

so um what's happening with the blog? For those of you who don't know we got a new co-owner, Pepsi24. So we had 3 owners. Recky , Pepsi and I. But for some reason I have been demoted to Author, not admin. I created this blog. How am I an author?! I think I know who did this, but I don't ant to point out anyone without any REAL evidence. Anyway, If you did this PLEASE make me admin again and we might just chalk this up to experience.

Anyway, Bye


Saturday 22 February 2014


Hey guys, So recently I decided to make a new segment for the blog and a new Youtube series, called weird in woozworld. Lol Funny name, anyway. In this series I find weird things in woozworld that dont usually happen, something out of the ordinary. Don't worry. There are heaps of wacky things in woozworld so I will never run out of ideas. So because My scissors app on my computer isnt working, I have put it into video form, so it can be put on youtube and I can reach a bigger audience. So here is my first video.

The videos are very short nd try to only go for a minute. You can also find this video on you tube. Just type in cadyn murphy and you will find it.

Signing off,



SO Hi Guys,

I have been slaving away between pikmonkey and pizap ( Both editing picture websites) Creating a perfect logo for me and my posts. It's actually no perfect. It's more of an abomination Lol. Yeah, its terrible. It may look lightly cool but it is really easy, I basically used a picture and used an effect and viola! My masterpiece.

So here is the edit -gulps-

Lol The picture has changed since I saved it ! It looked much different. It was  pic of my woozen character with a kaleidoscope effect on it. So I guess I will use my not so good back up.

I dont really like either of them, so thats why Im having a competition! A Logo competition that is.
Details Below,



You can use any pic of me in my album as long as it's just me in the photo.
You must use PikMonkey.com or Pizap.com to make the logo.
Make sure all of my names are on the edit. CadynWoooz, Orselon and E-volve
Send the edit to wcadyn@gmail.com before 20th of March


First - 300 wooz, 300 beex, and A friend request from me
Second - 100 wooz, 300 beex and A friend request from me
Third - 700 beex and A friend request
Runners Up- 50 wooz and A friends request

Signing off,


Sunday 16 February 2014

FFB ( Fashion For Boys)


So recently, my friend dared me to do FASHION post! -vomits- Naw. I beleive this outfit hasnt been reviewd yet on charmz. So I decided I should buy it and review it.

Valentines Boy Out

Hair - I absolutely HATE the hair. I think that you brush your hair before going out with your valentine. I dont even were that hair. I were this          MUCH BETTER :D

Shirt - It's actually cool. I Love the shoulder cuffs and the little bowtie. I just wsh the shirt more seamlessly ran down into the pant. Like the Miworld costumes.

Pants - I love these pants! Not only because they are in my colour code. Light blue (bcf6f7) and Gold (ffd700) The have a nice chain that comes down both the sides. Lucky I have three pairs of this outfit LOL

Shoes - I dislike these shoes, just like the hair. It's not like there is anything wrong with them, there is just nothing right with them. The are quite boring.

Signing off,           E-volve , CadynWoooz, Orselon

Saturday 8 February 2014

Grand Opening

Welcome to the grand opening of WoozIN Hotspots Be sure to add the sight to you favourites because Im SURE You will be spending alot of time here, reading about the cool articles, Woozen News, and just talking in the chat roll :D WoozIn Hotspot is determined to make an amazing site were all enjoy, and plus, If you have quit woozworld, this is the perfect site for you to keep on being involved in the woozworld drama.
So head on over the Articles and read up!
